Monday 29 June 2015

Start of the Journey...

Hello and welcome to the Mama Cool blog!

I'm an independent thinker who is passionate about simple living and has secretly always harboured a dream to live in a cottage in the woods. In reality I live slap bang in the middle of London in a tiny flat with a husband, a baby and a neon-lit 24-hour gym for a neighbour! 

In my early 20s, I spent a lot of time travelling, had very little money and lived a very simple and generally quite happy existence. A couple of years ago, after a decade spent running from one 'must-do' event to the next, working myself to the ground in my day job and at night in my band, eating food on the run, spending too much money and having an obsession with being 'busy', I made a decision to refocus my priorities and slow down. 

I'm learning ways of living simply and mindfully in the here and now and of making the most of every second. I want to explore whether simple living is a state of mind, rather than a physical situation and if this way of life really is possible in the midst of the urban jungle. 

I got rid of my car and TV, I make my own laundry powder, cook from scratch, grow my own herbs and vegetables, make my own beauty and first aid products, and try to live frugally, simply and mindfully whilst avoiding the need to mindlessly accumulate 'stuff'. I also have a lot of fun doing it!

This blog is a way for me to keep on track and chronicle some of the ways I'm learning to live simply and sustainably in a world of constant noise, busyness and advertising. You can get in touch by emailing 

Let's get started! 

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